Missions and Values
Passion in what we do
Expertise is a valuable asset in society, but it is not enough on its own. Everyone must also take their project seriously and be passionate about their job.
- Take up challenges with enthusiasm and passion.
- Be motivated to design, undertake and carry out our projects.
- Act as stimulants to creativity and innovation.
- Offer our customers the most qualitative solutions.
- Defend the interests of our group.
- Share human capital, risks and skills.
Keep our promises
When we make a promise to a customer, partner or subcontractor, we stand by that promise. A clear illustration of this commitment is meeting deadlines.
- Our promises do not suffer from any concessions.
- Give our teams the means to comply with their obligations.
- Subscribe only to agreements that we can respect.
- Look for solutions rather than conflict situations.
Ensemble nous sommes plus forts
- Nous proposons à nos clients les solutions les plus qualitatives.
- Nous prenons à cœur et défendons les intérêts de notre group.
- Notre complémentarité en tant que group est une plus-value pour le client et pour notre rentabilité.
Proud of our achievements
In building, renovating and fitting out wherever our achievements are tangible, we take pride in our achievements, regardless of our position in the hierarchy.
- Being proud of what we do, and it shows.
- Share our successes.
- Mutual belonging between WG contractor and Us.
Diversity concerns
Man or woman, more or less young, Congolese or citizen of the world… everyone is offered the same opportunities in terms of commitment, career, salary (for equal work, equal pay). The company encourages diversity within the teams.
- Encourage the diversity of our staff because it illustrates our roots at the local level.
- Our differences are an enrichment.
- Be guided only by skills and the ability to perform a function.
Open, transparent and honest
Openness, transparency and integrity are the logical counterparts of the organization within the company.
- Be open to dialogue and we listen to the ideas of our collaborators and partners.
- Transparency is always essential.
- Give and receive constructive feedback.
- Trust each other.
- Openness, transparency and integrity synonymous with objectivity, rigor and honesty.
- Compliance with rules and procedures.